
Ruth Hommelsheim studied photography in Darmstadt, Germany and now lives and works in Berlin and since 2020 also in London. In 2007 she co-founded Loris Gallery, a collective and discursive platform for visual, societal, political and social implementations of artistic questions. The project existed for 10 years with more than 100 exhibitions and numerous talks, lecture, concerts etc. Hommelsheim’s work has been exhibited throughout Germany, Europe and China.

While her main medium is photography, Ruth Hommelsheim exceeds the boundaries of the medium, reflecting on its condition and thereby transgressing the purely documentary approach. In addition to photography, she incorporates further media and techniques into her work such as overpainting, drawing and installation. Besides her longtime research on urbanity, another focal point of her work is the profound investigation of information extracted from archives.

1965            born in Göppingen/Germany

1986–92     studied Photography at FH Darmstadt, Diploma 

since 1989  exhibitions in Germany and abroad

                  lives and works in Berlin and London


Selected solo exhibitions


2018/19    Landschaft und Erinnerung, mit Peter Dreher und Jyrki Parantainen, Galerie Wagner+Partner, Berlin

2017          concrete doubt, Galerie Loris Berlin

2016          Dreamland II | widmertheodoridis, Eschlikon, Switzerland

2016          Nach der Natur, Raumsechs, Düsseldorf

2015          Dreamland, Galerie Loris Berlin

2013          Nach der Natur (After Nature), Galerie Loris Berlin

2012          Urban Notations [Barbican], CasperMuellerKneer, London

                 Res Publica (with Ulrike Ludwig), Galerie Loris Berlin

2011          Versammlungen (Assemblies), Galerie Loris Berlin

                 Ordnungen (with Sophie Kreidt), Bis Zentrum Mönchengladbach

2010          Urbane Landschaften (Urban Landscapes), Wildthurner Kunsttage, Landau/Isar

2009          Urban Notations [Wuhan], Galerie Loris Berlin

2008          Sie kehrt um und lacht (mit S. Zevallos), Galerie Loris Berlin

2007          Bewahrungen (Perpetuations), Galerie Loris Berlin

2000          Un_folded sites, Installation, Museum Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt

1998          Die dunkle Nacht der Seele [Jona-Projekt], Studio Kunsthalle Darmstadt 


Selected group exhibitions


2021         RÄUME XS/HALLEN #2, Wilhelmhallen, Berlin

2019         Überblick Fotografie, Galerie Raumsechs, Düsseldorf

2019         to put on paper, Errant Sound Project Space, Berlin

2019         Show your Darling IV - Wildnis, Atelier Sabien Wild, Berlin

2019         Postcard Salon, Jarvis Dooney Galerie, Berlin

2018         Räume 2, Gießerei Winkelhoff, Berlin

2018         Architektur und Landschaft, Galerie Raumsechs, Düsseldorf

2018         Postcard Salon, Jarvis Dooney Galerie, Berlin

2017          Geiler Block, St. Gallen/Trogen/Switzerland

2016          Liaison, Uferhallen, Berlin

2016          Geiler Block, St. Gallen/Trogen/Switzerland

2016          For a moment, nothing happened, Galerie Loris Berlin

2016          12 ISSUES | TOWARD THE unKNOW, b2_Leipzig

2015          Specialists always accomplish the extraordinary, Galerie Loris, Berlin

                 11 ISSUES | DISPLAyCING THE PRESENT, Galerie Loris, Berlin

2014–15     Den Kompromiss mit der Wirklichkeit..., EIKON Schaufenster, Europ. Month of Photography, Vienna

2014          Aus gutem Grund, Galerie Widmer&Theodoridis, Eschlikon, Schweiz

                 Anlanden, Galerie Loris Berlin

                 Unterwegs nach dem Mehr, D21 Kunstraum Leipzig

                 Land in Sicht, Galerie Loris Berlin

2013          The Way Things are, Union Gallery London 

                 Die Dinge 4 | Um-Ordnung, Kunstverein Schwedt (Katalog)

                 Nach Lage der Dinge, Galerie Loris Berlin

                 Dezemberausstellung, Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland

2012          in transit - Der Blick der anderen, Ostkreuz, Europ. Monat der Fotografie, Berlin

                 Platon, schenk mir dein Lächeln, Galerie Loris Berlin

                 [Breitseite - Im Fokus: Raum, Villa Merkel Esslingen (Katalog)

2011          in transit, Galerie Loris Berlin

                 The best of all possible words, Carpe Diem Art & Research, Lissabon

2010          diamonds & pearls,  Galerie Loris Berlin

2009          Gemeinsam in Bewegung, Wuhan, China (Katalog)

                 Nadie in es espejo | Niemand im Spiegel?

                 Geschichten, Künstlerhaus Bonn

2007          Die beste aller möglichen Welten, Galerie Loris Berlin

                 Sie regieren das Tal, Galerie Loris Berlin

2006          Somewhere else - Anderswo, Kunsthalle Göppingen

2005          Stille, Kloster Knechtsteden bei Köln (Katalog)

                 Orient-Okzident, Wanderausstellung Gedok/Goethe Institut:Karlsruhe, Bonn, Berlin, 

                 München, Bukarest, Temeswar, Rabat, Casablanca, Ifrane, Rabat, Tanger, (Katalog)

2002          Auseinandersetzung mit realen und fiktiven Räumen, Stapelhaus Köln (Katalog)

2001          Perplex - Positionen und Perspektiven, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (Katalog)


Grants and awards


2013           artist residency at Villa Sträuli, Winterthur

2002–03     1. price in competition Art & Architecture in Erfurt

2000          artist residency at Gedok-Atelierhaus Lübeck 

1993–95     Charlotte-Prinz-scholarship for young art, Darmstadt